Single-Parent and Working-Parent Heart Health

Daughter comforting mother

Parents: How do you create a healthy meal plan?

Time and time again, 父母们——尤其是那些单身或有工作的父母们——说,在准备健康膳食时,沙巴足球体育平台是他们的敌人.

但你可以限制冷冻披萨和其他加工食品——它们会导致肥胖和慢性疾病的发病率上升——这些建议对你的心脏和钱包都有好处. Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices. 你不需要成为一名厨师,也能做出家人喜欢的营养、有益心脏健康的饭菜.

The main key is time management. Difficult? Sometimes. But not impossible.

Start With A Plan

制定饮食计划的最佳沙巴足球体育平台不是你饿了需要马上吃东西的时候. Make a list — and check it twice.

在周末花几个小时来节省焦虑和去杂货店的额外沙巴足球体育平台. 为了健康,做大量的剩菜,并将剩菜分开冷冻, homemade, microwaveable meals.  

Get Your Kids In The Kitchen

住在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的霍莉·杜波依斯(Holly DuBois)一有机会就带孩子们去厨房.

当她做饭时,她的两个小家伙就在厨房的阶梯凳上闲逛,并给他们布置一些小活儿. “我会给他们塑料刀,他们会切东西或从食品储藏室拿东西,”她说.

杜波依斯和她的丈夫乔希都在医疗保健行业工作. 由于有肥胖家族史,他们会确保自己的孩子吃健康均衡的饮食. But they don’t forbid treats.

“Cooking for me personally has been a fun, stress-relieving activity that I’ve grown to love,” DuBois said. “我希望他们能分享并享受它,这样它就不会成为一种负担.”

夏季意味着每周从社区支持的农业合作社购买一次有机农产品——从花椰菜到茄子再到大黄,应有尽有. “规则是,如果它在袋子里,他们必须尝试.”

Bresha Richardson, a busy Dallas-area mom to a kindergartner, juggles single parenting, work, 志愿参加家长会和她儿子的课外活动. But she still tries to make healthy eating a priority.

“我想让我儿子知道,糟糕的选择是如何影响他的身体的, not just now but in the future,” she said. “我非常努力地和他沟通他吃的每顿饭,以及为什么某种食物可能不是一个好的选择.”

Together, they make egg tacos one night a week. “他把鸡蛋敲开并搅拌,我把红辣椒和温暖的全麦或白玉米玉米饼切成薄片并炒熟,” she said. “我强调不加盐之类的调味料,这样他就能尝出食物的味道.”

她还会在周末为忙碌的工作周准备好健康的食物,从而获得一个良好的开端. “如果我把水果和蔬菜洗干净,切好,再包装好,它们肯定会被吃掉.” 

I’m on a budget. What can I do?

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. 大米、豆类、土豆、香蕉和鸡蛋都是经济实惠的主食. You can also stretch your grocery budget by planning for a couple meatless meals each week.

让烹饪成为一种爱好,在合理的时候学会从头开始烹饪. As an example, oatmeal is fairly cheap and healthy. 你付了额外的钱,把它分成一份一份的包装,添加了味道,而从头开始准备很简单. 很多时候,这些预包装的调味品种含有添加糖. 但是当你从头开始制作时,你可以更好地控制甜味剂的添加量.

Buy fresh produce when it’s in season. 冬天多吃柑橘和苹果,夏天多吃草莓. If it’s not in season, buy it frozen. 如果你对有机食品感兴趣,可以考虑使用 “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen”(link opens in new window) 环境工作小组列出的清单,为你的购买排序,节省金钱.

My child is home alone. How can I help her eat healthy?

If you plan, 帮助你的孩子做出正确的选择是很容易的,没有任何困难或危险的准备工作. Here are some suggestions:

  • 全麦面包上不加糖的花生酱和果冻
  • Grilled fish sandwich (Keep spinach and tomatoes, sliced ahead of time, handy to add flavor and nutrients.)
  • Turkey sandwich (Don’t forget your favorite veggies.)
  • Whole-grain crackers and hummus
  • Fresh fruit
  • 健康的剩饭剩菜(用微波炉加热,可以快速、简单地做成一顿饭.)

And the best way to avoid junk food? 不要把它储存在家里,因为它太容易伸手去拿.

Try these four easy weeknight meals:

  • Salad night: Make a healthy bowl of greens your entrée. 加入鸡肉、无盐坚果或种子来补充蛋白质. 使用各种新鲜蔬菜和深绿色生菜. Skip the iceberg because it’s low on nutrients.
  • Taco night: 多吃蔬菜,尝试低脂、低钠的奶酪,使用全麦或玉米薄饼. 你甚至可以把一点希腊酸奶和柠檬汁混合在一起,做成健康的酸奶油.”
  • Homemade grilled pizza: Make a pizza without cheese, 加入一些煮熟的鸡丁,把蔬菜放在薄锅上, whole-wheat crust.
  • Easy vegetarian chili: Make it over baked potatoes.

作为家长,帮助孩子养成健康的饮食习惯是很重要的. So try these tips for their heart health and yours.