
woman with headphones running outdoors catching her breath

想要更多能量? 谁不? We’d all like to be able to do more and feel better doing it. The key to boosting energy is making healthy, lasting lifestyle changes.

Here’s a quick rundown on ways to keep from feeling run down:

  1. 多运动. 在短期内, increasing your physical activity to increase your energy seems like the opposite of what you should be doing. 但从长远来看,它是有效的. You don’t have to be a marathoner to see benefits. 从你现在的地方开始,做更多的事情. If you don’t exercise, walk around the block and gradually work up from there. 你的目标应该是至少得到 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week,最好在一周内进行. 你不需要一次做所有的事情. 慢慢开始,坚持下去.

    学习如何 通过体育活动变得更健康.

  2. 吃聪明. Eating a variety of good-for-you foods will provide you with the energy your body needs. 方法如下:

    • 多吃水果和蔬菜. The vitamins and minerals they contain are good for you. Keep a serving or two of your favorite fruit or vegetable handy so you have something healthy to snack on when you’re feeling a bit hungry or tired in between meals.

    • Avoid big meals with too much salt, added sugar and saturated fat. High-calorie foods with very little nutrients can leave you feeling groggy. Eating smaller amounts and more frequent nutrient-rich meals will help balance your blood sugar levels over the course of the day, helping you feel more alert and energetic.

    • Eat whole-grain, fiber-rich foods, which are a great filler-upper. Fiber causes food to stay in your stomach longer, 所以你的饱腹感会比喝咖啡时更持久, 高热量的能量棒或饮料, 和糖果, 例如. These quick fixes rely on caffeine and/or added sugar, which can lead to energy spikes and crashes.

    • 多喝水. 脱水会降低能量水平.
  3. 学习 如何健康饮食.

  4. 睡眠. 多少才够? 每个人都不一样. Most adults need around seven hours, but you may need more. 如果你有 睡眠呼吸暂停, a condition that causes you to wake up many times during the night, you won’t get the 高质量的睡眠 you need and may feel sleepy all day. Heavy snoring is a major sign of 睡眠呼吸暂停. If your spouse or partner says you snore or that you periodically stop breathing for brief periods during sleep, 告诉你的医生. 睡眠 apnea can put you at risk for stroke.

    学习如何得到 高质量的睡眠.

  5. 失去一些. 携带多余的体重会消耗能量. It creates extra work for your heart and can raise blood pressure, too. Increasing your physical activity and eating a healthier diet to burn more calories than you take in is the way to go. Steer clear of fad diets; they don’t work.

    学习我们的 5步减肥并保持体重.

  6. 放松. 压力是生活中不可避免的一部分. 这就是为什么 学会管理压力 是很重要的. Successfully managing stress means keeping a positive outlook and a healthy lifestyle, which helps fight energy-sapping depression. 照顾好自己, try taking regular physical activity breaks, 冥想, taking time off and doing things you like. 避免不健康的方式来管理压力, 包括吸烟, 饮酒过量, 暴饮暴食和依赖兴奋剂.

    学习 to fight stress by developing these 健康的习惯.

Most people who want to feel more energetic can do it. Following the steps above is a good start. You’ll feel better overall and improve your quality of life. You’ll also reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.