Take a Nap: The Benefits of Napping 和 How to Make It Work for You


获得健康的睡眠是其中之一 生活的真谛 — key measures for improving 和 maintaining cardiovascular health, as defined by the 美国心脏协会. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for 心脏病, 中风 以及其他主要的健康问题.


你午睡吗?? 也许你应该! A good nap can get you out of that afternoon slump, 给自己充电, 和 leave you more alert 和 in a better mood. 而是何时、何地、多久? Get the secrets to a successful power nap.


  • Do you get less than the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night?
  • After lunch, do you start to feel cranky 和 irritable?
  • Are you bright 和 alert in the morning, but find it hard to concentrate by the afternoon?
  • Do you need another cup of coffee or a sugary energy drink just to make it to dinner?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, this oldie-but-goodie might be for you: napping. That’s right, naps aren’t just for kids anymore. 研究表明,, 即使是成年人, naps provide many benefits to help you make it through the day.


提高警觉性:: It’ll be easier to pay attention during your staff meeting — or while driving your forklift — if you can avoid nodding off or spacing out.

态度的调整: 小睡之后, you’ll be less impulsive 和 better able to deal with frustration — in other words, 你的心情会好起来的. 小睡可以消除你的偏执.

改善记忆: When your computer crashes, you lose data. But when you crash on the couch for a while, it actually helps your memory. A nap can make it easier to recall facts learned earlier that day.

创造性思维: You need sleep to learn new skills 和 to be creative (that’s when your brain can finally process the info you’ve stuffed into it). The good news is that a long nap can be similar to a night’s sleep to get you inspired.

现金储蓄者: You probably know that energy drinks 和 too much coffee aren’t good for you 和 aren’t as good for your brain as a nap, but have you calculated how much money you’d save by replacing costly trips to the cafe with free naps?


Maybe you’ve decided that napping sounds like a plan. If you’re going to give napping a try, do it right. It’s not as simple as nodding off any time you feel an inkling to yawn.

当: 下午三点左右最好.m.). Don’t nap too late in the day, or you’ll be wide awake at night 和 spoil your bedtime routine.

地点: 找一个凉爽、安静的地方打个盹. Maybe your car during a break, if you don’t want the boss to catch you snoozing. (That said, many companies are starting to wise up by letting employees lie down for a break.)

多长沙巴足球体育平台: You don’t want to wake up in the middle of deep sleep or you’ll be even groggier than when you started. For a short nap, keep it to 20 minutes, no longer than 30.

Note: If you still plan on supplementing your nap with a cup of coffee, drink it before you nod off. 咖啡因的激活需要沙巴足球体育平台, 和 it is likely to kick in right as you wake up from a short snooze.


想给你的下午充电吗? Plan your snooze in advance 和 it’ll be a lot smoother. 

  1. Pick a time today, tomorrow or later this week when you could use a recharge.
  2. Now, determine where you’ll nap: in your car, at your desk or a comfy spot at home.
  3. 最后,把它写在日历上.

Now relax, 和 get those bonus Zs, so you can be Healthy For Good!