Super Bowl letdown? The big game can be stressful, but you can stay heart-healthy

By Genaro C. Armas, American Heart Association News

FG Trade Latin/E+ via Getty Images
(FG Trade Latin/E+ via Getty Images)

On Super Bowl Sunday, 你期待着看到你最喜欢的NFL球队举起冠军奖杯. All fun and games until the clock runs out, and the score leaves you feeling angry, blue or disappointed.

For sports fans, 看着自己的球队输掉超级碗比赛会产生相当大的压力, which can affect their physical and mental health. A 2009 study 发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上的一篇文章,研究了洛杉矶队参加两场超级碗比赛后两周内与心脏相关的死亡情况. 研究人员发现,1980年公羊队失利后,死亡率有所上升, many attributed to heart attacks and ischemic heart disease, another name for coronary heart disease. 但是,在1984年突袭者队获胜后,各种原因造成的死亡率下降了.

A 2021 report 发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上的一项研究发现,铁杆体育迷, including American football fans, were at increased risk for cardiac events, particularly those with a history of heart disease. 游戏的强烈情绪可能与心血管不良影响有关, such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, especially for fans of the losing team, the report found.

“有些与超级碗有关的行为是不利于心脏健康的. You might think, 'One day doesn't make a difference, right?'" said cardiologist Dr. Tamara Horwich, 他是加州大学大卫·格芬医学院医学和心脏病学的健康科学临床教授, Los Angeles.

But one day of binging in behaviors like excessive drinking, which can lead to high blood pressure, 吃高脂肪食物会增加胆固醇水平,“对你的健康有害”," said Horwich, 他也是加州大学洛杉矶分校心脏康复项目的医学主任.

制定一个计划,减少看超级碗之外的压力因素. Brandon Mastromartino, 圣地亚哥州立大学体验营销助理教授. His research includes the psychology of sports fans.

The plan could include cutting down on alcohol intake, 限制在社交媒体上的沙巴足球体育平台,避免在比赛中下注.

"Research shows that when your team is doing well, and they win, 你会体验到心理健康的感觉,并增强自尊," Mastromartino said. "The reverse can happen, too. When your team loses, you feel a little worse about yourself, and you might experience lower self-esteem."

运动迷不同于汽车或服装品牌等其他产品的粉丝,因为他们对球队有着独特的情感依恋, according to a 2020 review 发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》杂志上,马斯特罗马蒂诺是该杂志的合著者. 和有着相似爱好的人在一起,粉丝们的自尊心会得到提升,归属感也会增强.

如果你的球队输了,和朋友一起看超级碗,或者在观看派对上看,可能有助于缓解打击, he said. 听赛后热线节目或播客是一个很好的发泄方式,可以听到球迷们表达他们的失望.

"If your team loses, it can often bring you closer to other fans of that team, especially if you already have a sense of community with them," Mastromartino said.

Also be aware of what's happening with your own body, Horwich said, such as feeling your heart racing during the game. 从你的座位上站起来,做一些运动,比如在中场休息时散步.

If you're hosting a Super Bowl party, 记住限制餐桌上咸的食物的数量,并提供更健康的选择, including fruits and vegetables. Excess sodium can increase blood pressure, 如果你认为看超级碗会有压力,这是你应该避免的.

“我们不想阻止人们观看超级碗, especially if they're watching with family and friends," Horwich said. “这种联系对心脏健康、玩得开心、为你的团队加油真的很重要."

如果你有高血压,别忘了早上吃药. “确保你在一个好的地方开始你的一天,不要忘记你的常规,”她说.

如果你的球队输了,霍里奇说,“还有明年. Remember that."

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