Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

What is a cardiac PET scan?

A PET scan of the heart is a noninvasive nuclear imaging test. 它使用放射性示踪剂(称为放射性核素)来产生心脏的图像. Health care professionals use cardiac PET scans to diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD) and damage due to a heart attack. PET scans can show healthy and damaged heart muscle. PET扫描也用于帮助发现你是否会受益于 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) such as angioplasty and stenting, coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) or another procedure. 

Why do I need it?

PET扫描可以准确诊断冠状动脉疾病,并检测心脏低血流量区域. PET还可以识别死亡组织和受伤组织,这些组织仍然存活并发挥功能. 如果组织是可存活的,你可能会受益于PCI或冠状动脉搭桥手术.

How does a PET scan work?

A radioactive tracer is injected into your bloodstream. 用于PET的示踪剂大多是天然的人体化合物,如葡萄糖, water or ammonia, 哪些被贴上了少量放射性物质的标签. 在你体内,放射性示踪剂会产生一种叫做伽马射线的能量. 伽马射线由伽马探测器检测,并用于产生一系列心脏的清晰图像. 从不同的方向和角度可以产生穿过心脏的薄片图像.


你的医疗保健专业人员将能够通过你的心肌吸收和使用不同示踪剂的程度来判断你的心肌是否在运作. 您的医疗保健专业人员将检查图像以找到示踪剂的位置. 存活的心脏组织会比坏死的组织吸收更多的示踪剂.

What are the risks of cardiac PET?

Cardiac PET is safe for most people. 辐射量很小,你的身体会通过肾脏或粪便排出它. Drink plenty of water to flush it out of your system. If you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant, or if you’re a nursing mother, tell your health care professional before you have this test. It could harm your baby.

How do I prepare for the scan?

  • Tell your health care team about any medicines you take, including over-the-counter medicines, herbs and vitamins. You may be asked not to take some of them before the test.
  • If you have diabetes and take insulin, 询问你在扫描前应该注射多少胰岛素,你应该吃什么. Your blood sugar levels will be monitored during the test. Test results are not always accurate in people with diabetes.
  • You may also be asked to avoid certain foods and drinks, such as caffeine-containing drinks or alcohol, for 24 hours before your test.
  • 考试前4到6个小时不要吃东西,只喝水.
  • 穿舒适、宽松的衣服,不要佩戴首饰或其他金属物品.
  • 如果你害怕狭小的空间或对封闭感到焦虑,告诉你的医疗团队.

What happens during the scan?


  • 技术人员会在你的胸部、手臂和腿上放置小金属盘(电极). Wires on the disks hook to a machine that records your electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). 在测试过程中,心电图会记录你的心跳,并在扫描时向电脑发出信号.
  • You will have an intravenous line (IV) placed in your arm. The tracer will be injected through the IV line.
  • 你将躺在一张连接着PET扫描仪和电脑的平台上. 桌子会滑进扫描仪,扫描仪的形状像一个巨大的甜甜圈.
  • 在PET扫描仪内,探测器记录下你的心脏示踪剂的放射性模式. 这些信息被转换成计算机屏幕上的图像. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,会进行多次扫描,从各个角度提供整个心脏的薄片图像. 每次扫描时,保持手臂举过头顶,保持完全静止是非常重要的.
  • 在注射示踪剂之前,你的医疗团队会给你的心脏拍一张基线照片. This takes about 15 to 30 minutes. 
  • 接下来,将注射示踪剂并再次扫描你的心脏.
  • 如果你有一个核化学压力测试(也称为药理学压力测试), 你会得到一种增加心脏血流量的药, similar to what happens during exercise. 这些药物可能包括腺苷、双嘧达莫或多巴酚丁胺. 医疗团队将检查您的心脏在接受药物前后对示踪剂的吸收情况. If you have severe coronary artery disease, 在压力下,你的心脏的某些区域可能得不到足够的血液,所以示踪剂不会在这些区域出现.
  • The test takes between 1 and 3 hours.

What happens after my PET scan?

  • 询问你的医疗保健专业人员是否可以立即恢复正常活动.
  • 在接下来的24小时内多喝水,把体内的放射性物质冲洗掉.
  • 与你的医疗保健专业人员预约,讨论测试结果和下一步的步骤.

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